How to Create a Document Library Template in SharePoint Online?

One of the most powerful tools to streamline document management in SharePoint Online is creating custom document library templates. By creating a template, you can ensure consistency across your organization and save time when creating new libraries. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of creating a document library template…

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SharePoint Online: Remove “Everyone except external users” from All Sites

Requirement: Find and Remove the “Everyone except external users” group from All SharePoint Online Sites. PowerShell to Find All sites where “Everyone except external users” is Added Let’s understand the “Everyone except external users” group in SharePoint Online. This group includes all users in your organization but excludes external users or guests….

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Colored Folders in SharePoint Online and OneDrive

As part of roadmap ID 124980, Microsoft recently rolled out a new feature that allows users to colorize their folders with a preset range of 16 colors in SharePoint Online and OneDrive. This feature applies to both new folders and existing folders. Now, users can customize their folders with different colors for…

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How to Run a PowerShell Script? A Comprehensive Guide!

As a system administrator, PowerShell is an essential tool that you need to have in your toolset. PowerShell is a powerful scripting language developed by Microsoft for task automation and configuration management. It provides a command-line shell and a scripting language that can be used to automate various administrative tasks on Windows…

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How to use the “Request Files” feature in SharePoint Online?

SharePoint is a powerful collaboration and document management platform that enables teams to store, organize, share, and access files. The “Request Files” feature in SharePoint allows you to ask others to upload files into a specific folder you own. This feature is designed to make sharing and collecting files easier, especially when…

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How to Archive Microsoft Teams: Step-by-Step Guide

Microsoft Teams has become a cornerstone of collaboration in the modern workplace. Teams allow us to communicate, share files, and work together on projects seamlessly. However, as time passes and projects come to an end, some teams may become inactive or no longer relevant. This is where the concept of archiving teams…

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Microsoft 365: Password Expiration Notification Email

Password expiration notifications play a crucial role in maintaining the security of your organization’s Microsoft 365 accounts. Ensuring users are aware of upcoming password expirations can help prevent account lockouts and encourage users to create strong, unique passwords. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to create a Microsoft Graph PowerShell script…

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How to Connect to Microsoft Graph API with Connect-MgGraph from PowerShell?

Introduction Microsoft Graph API is a RESTful web API that consolidates access to various Microsoft 365 services, allowing developers to create applications that interact with data across multiple platforms, including Azure Active Directory, SharePoint, OneDrive, Outlook, and more. Microsoft Graph PowerShell works on all platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Supports modern…

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How to Disable Built-in Site Templates in SharePoint Online?

SharePoint Online offers several built-in site templates that provide preconfigured site structures and features. By using these templates, you can quickly create business-specific sites without requiring extensive customization. You can apply any built-in template using the “Apply a site template” link under your existing sites’ “Site Settings” menu. However, in some cases,…

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How to Connect Power BI to SharePoint Online List?

Over the years, business intelligence has become increasingly important in decision-making processes. Power BI is one of the most popular tools organizations use to create and share interactive dashboards. In this article, I will discuss how to use Power BI to create reports from SharePoint Online Lists. We will explore the benefits…

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